Habbo Xs (short for eXperts) make friends with new players, chat with them, and show them
the ropes. Xs will mainly hang about in the Welcome Lounge, but occasionally you will see them in other Public Rooms. Habbo
Xs will introduce the Habbo Way and help make a new Habbos first visit to the Hotel safe and fun.
Habbo Xs are completely different from Hobbas and Moderators. Habbo Xs meet and greet new users and introduce them to the
Hotel, answer questions, show them how things work, etc... They dont have tools, (other than the badge) and they dont
moderate the Hotel. Think of Habbo Xs as a gracious host and a good-will ambassador - Habbos who are there to take care of
our newest Habbo visitors.
A Habbo X will have a special 'X' badge (see right) and they will always show it when asked. Don't fall for impersonators,
always ask to see their badge. Do not fall for impersonators without a badge.
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