
Scammer Alert

Watch Out !Scammers About!

Well, on december third I logged in, I was going to feed my dog scruffy, I clicked my navigator, and realized I had no rooms, I started freaking out so immediatly , I went to a room, And checked my hand, I had no furni at all!!! So I reported to some mods, and used the habbo help tool If you could please donate search BlueTv and go to donate
Here are some tips on how to stay safe
never fall for these scams
Unfortunately, in any online community there will be a minority of people who will try to scam others. Habbo is no exception so it's important that you are aware of how common scams operate so you can avoid becoming a victim of a scammer.

Credit scams
One common method of scamming is the Credit Code scam. The scammer will offer a Credit Code in return for furniture and they'll ask that you trade first. If you trade you'll be given a false Credit Code and will have lost your furniture. The only safe way to trade for Credits is by trading furniture for Habbo Exchange items (coins, money bags and gold bars) which can be clicked on to redeem Credits.

Some scammers will claim that they know a special cheat; a way that Staff get Credits. They will tell you to telephone the Credits line and enter in a special code to receive your free Credits. The code is their Habbo ID and by entering it when you phone the Credits line, you will be paying to give the scammer Credits. Habbo staff don't get Credits by any of the advertised payment methods so anyone claiming to have a staff Credit cheat is scamming.

Furni scams
There are many ways scammers will try to cheat you of your furniture, some are very easy to spot and some more difficult. Here are some of the common things scammers try:
* Double your furniture. There is absolutely no way to have furniture doubled. Never hand over your items to someone who says they can.

* Pet trading. Pets cannot be traded or transferred, so never give items to someone who says they'll buy you a pet as a gift or trade one of their existing pets with you.

* Teleporter trading. It's not possible to know whether a pair of teleports in a trade window actually link and a common scam is to trade teleports which don't link. We advise never trading for teleports.

* Decorator scams. A scammer may offer to put wallpaper or flooring in your room in return for furniture. Never agree to this as it's not possible to place wallpaper, paint or flooring in another Habbo's room.

* Trophy scams. The trophy scam works by showing you a trophy with a Staff inscription on it in a room and asking you to trade furniture for it. However the scammer will pick up the trophy and replace it with an identical looking one in the trade window which does not have the Staff inscription.

* Scripted Items. A scammer may offer you sticki notes or furniture in colors you've never seen before and tell you that it's a very rare release. Unfortunately these items are almost always scripted (temporarily altered using a scripting program) and not worth trading anything for. Always check out lists of known furniture on reputable fansites before considering trading for anything unusual.

* Paying for room rights. You may be offered rights in a guest room in return for giving the owner furniture. Unfortunately once you have handed over the furniture you have no guarantee that your rights will be added or, if they are, how long they will last. Never pay for room rights.

* Pay to Stay. Some players' game rooms will advertise 'pay to stay', a scheme where you have to pay an item of furniture to stay in the room and play the game. Unfortunately you have no guarantee once you've given an item that you'll be allowed to stay and play or that you'll win anything in return. Treat 'pay to stay' in a game the same as giving your item away as a donation and then you won't be disappointed!

* Casino scams. Some rooms are set up as casinos where you bet items on the outcome of a spin of the dice. Never play such games if the room owner asks for your bet up front because you have no guarantee that you won't be kicked from the room as soon as you've handed over your item.

* Shared rooms. You may get friendly with a Habbo who suggests you pool your furniture to make one big room as a maze, casino or other function that will be popular to other players. Remember that if you give your furniture to another player to decorate a room they have created, they may decide not to give it back to you!

Scam sites
Scam sites are probably one of the most common ways that players get cheated out of their Habbo password. Scam sites come in many forms, but here are some main ones to look out for:

* Free furni/Credits. Sites which offer free furniture or Credits if you sign in to them with your Habbo name and password are always scams. Some may even pretend to be the personal homepages of Habbo Staff, but don't be fooled, they aren't!

* Spoof hotels. Some sites may look like Habbo, even down to the layout and graphics on the front page, but unless the website address at the top of the page is www.habbo.xx it's a scam. A common way for scammers to get you to put your password into such sites is by pretending they are a new Hotel that's just opened or that it's a beta version of Habbo. Remember that your Habbo name and password will only ever work on one site, the Hotel you registered it on.

* Reloaders. A player may ask you to take a look at their website whilst you are playing on Habbo and when you do, your Habbo Hotel session mysteriously disconnects and a window pops up to log in again. This is a 'reloader' and what it has done is replace your real Habbo session with a fake sign-in screen which will steal your password if you enter it. If your Habbo session ever disconnects when you are on another site always close down your browser windows, start your browser up again and go straight to the official Habbo Hotel site to sign back in securely.

* Scripts and cheats. Some websites may offer you downloads of cool looking cheats or scripts to alter Habbo. Never download these sorts of files as they often contain keyloggers which record your key presses (eg entering your password) and email them to the scammer. They could also contain Trojan viruses which allow the scammer to access your computer and steal information stored there or do other

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