
Habbo Way


The Habbo Way is like a code of conduct - how Habbos should act in the hotel. Habbos who break the Habbo Way are not welcome in the hotel and may be banned. Our Terms and Conditions contains the full list of rules - please read those if you are unsure about how to act.

You should not:
* Tell your password to a Habbo, friend, staff member or stranger.
Tell anyone personal information which could be used to locate you or other people in real life.
Abuse, harass or bully other Habbos.
Use hate speech or make rude comments about a Habbo's race, religion, gender or sexuality.
Use any programs to hack, script or edit Habbo in any way.
Own, sell or run replica Habbo Hotels (retros).
Steal from or trick Habbos into giving you their passwords, Habbo Credits or furniture.
Discuss or take part in sexual acts with other Habbos.
Act out or roleplay violent acts, even as a joke.
Give away, trade or sell your Habbo account.
Break the law or talk others into breaking the law.

If you see anyone breaking the rules, please Call for Help so that a Moderator can take action.

You should:

Have fun!
Hang out with your friends
Make new friends
Respect other people's opinions and beliefs

If you are have a question or a problem regarding the Habbo Way then you should read through these Frequently Asked Questions.

Disclaimer:Habbo®, Habbo Hotel®, Sulake and associated logos are trademarks of Sulake Group. All rights reserved. Copyright, trademarks and other rights in the material from Habbo Hotel® and other services of Sulake Group on this website are owned by Sulake Group. This website is neither owned nor operated by Sulake Group and it is not part of Habbo Hotel® or any other service or website owned or operated by Sulake Group. Sulake Group are not responsible for any content on this website and the views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the views and opinions of Sulake